BoxBot Wiki



Commands Description Alias
b!trivia Get trivia questions, with a chance to win exp and boxes. t
b!hourly Get and automatically open a free common box. unbox, open, ub, u
b!daily Get a daily rare box, an ultra rare on weekends, and a 7% chance to receive 2 rare boxes. d
b!claim Get an extra daily box, by voting for the bot. vote
b!prefix Changes the prefix YOU IDIOT


Commands Description Alias
b!use [Potion régénération 1] Open boxes, use items, attack others or heal yourself. attack, hit, heal
b!sell [item] Sell an item, or write "b!sell [item] x[amount]" to sell a specific amount. N/A
b!sellall Sell all items, or write "b!sellall [rarity]" to sell an entire weapon rarity instead. batchsell, bsell, sella, sellb
b!buy [item] Buy an item, or write "b!buy [item] x[amount]" to buy a specific amount. N/A
b!trade [monety de] Trade items or money with another user. N/A
b!optout Opt out of the game (24 hours cooldown, increases with 24 hours each use, max 1 week). N/A
b!optin Opt back in and start participating in the game again. N/A
b!coinflip Flip a coin and have a 50% chance of winning or losing that money. coinflip, flip, gamble

Player info

Commands Description Alias
b!cooldowns View your cooldowns. cooldown, cds, cd, c
b!notify Toggles cooldown notifications on/off. Allows BoxBot to send DMs. toggle
b!value View the value of your entire inventory, if all of it were to be sold. worth
b!inventory View your inventory, or write "b!inventory [user]" to see anothers. inv, i
b!gtop Shows the 9 people with the most value globally. topglobal, gl, globaltop
b!top Shows the 9 people with the most value on the server. leaderboard, lb, baltop
b!grank Your position worldwide (based on money and inventory value). globalstats
b!exprank Your exp position on the server, or write "b!exprank [user]" to see anothers. N/A
b!gexprank Your exp position worldwide, or write "b!gexprank [user]" to see anothers. N/A
b!money Shows your money, or write "b!money [user]" to see anothers. cash, bal
b!health Shows how much health you have (out of 100). hp
b!level Check your level according to the amount of exp you have earned. lvl, exp, xp
b!profile Check your kill counter, death counter, and K:D ratio. kills, deaths, kd, p
b!rank See your position in the server (based on money and inventory value). N/A

Bot info

Commands Description Alias
b! Command prefix (note: Patrons can set their own prefix in the future). b1
b!help Shows every command and item in the bot at that current time. wiki
b!items Lists all items, or "b!item [item]" for full info about an item. item, info, stats
b!commands Lists all commands, or "b!cmd [command]" for command info. cmds, cmd
b!botstats Shows BoxBots uptime, server, player and member count. bstats, bot, botinfo
b!uptime Shows how long the bot has been running, since last reboot. up
b!killfeed Links to the #killfeed channel in the BoxBot server. kf
b!image See the full-sized image of an item. img, view, viewimage
b!support Link to BoxBot Discord server, use #support to get help. server, discord
b!invite Sends the link to invite BoxBot to a server. N/A
b!ping Pong! test
b!rules Link to the BoxBot Discord server, #rules to check rules. N/A
b!players Checks amount of players who are opted in/eligble to attack. N/A


Commands Description Alias
b!pclaim Patrons way to claim their credits. patclaim, claimp, claimcredits
b!credits Shows a Patrons total amount of credits. creds, tokens, pcurr, pbal
b!usecredit Use credits to unlock various weapon skins. getskin, spendcredit, skinbox
b!skins See your available weapon skins. myskins, skinventory, skinv
b!skinequip [item];;[skin] Equip desired weapon skin. skeq, equipskin, eqsk
b!skinunequip [item];;[skin] Unequip desired weapon skin. skuneq, unequipskin, uneqsk
b!patreon Links the Patreon page for users who wish to support this project! N/A